KeyPair FIPS Provider for OpenSSL 3

The KeyPair FIPS Provider for OpenSSL 3 cryptographic module is in the coordination process at the CMVP for a FIPS 140-3 validation. KeyPair’s responses to report comments (Round 1) were received by the CMVP on November 3, 2023. You may track the progress through the NIST Modules in Process List.

Technology vendors interested in a FIPS 140-3 module for OpenSSL 3 are working with KeyPair Consulting to test their desired operating systems and processor combinations.

To meet the FIPS 140-3 requirements, KeyPair made patches to the OpenSSL 3 FIPS Provider. The current tarball distribution from KeyPair includes the KeyPair FIPS Provider for OpenSSL 3 and OpenSSL 3.0.10.

For more information about the KeyPair FIPS Provider for OpenSSL 3, please send an email to [email protected] or call +1 (805) 316-5024.